Because you have clicked through to the next page you are already convinced of the many possibilities that Joker has to offer you as an instructor to guide your students even better.
But what does Joker have to offer you in business? Do you or your employees have the skills needed to teach lessons with Joker? What kind of investment are we talking about here and how quickly do you earn it back? You will find answers to all these questions and more on this page.
Business wise, struggles we all know
As an instructor or riding school owner you will undoubtedly recognize one or more of the following struggles:
* Lessons cannot proceed because of an injured lesson horse
* How do you differentiate yourself from all those other instructors and riding school owners?
* Lesson after lesson you get stuck in the same part where little progress is made, heels keep tucked up, hands remain unstable, not to mention difficulties with the sitting trot
* Private lessons on the lunge with a novice rider are not very profitable
* Lesson is canceled due to bad weather
* You would like to specialize yourself, but in what?
* Your turnover depends on weather conditions, so you’re done in the Netherlands or England for example!
* A private lesson is canceled due to an injury to the horse
* Your student has problems with his or her own body
* You would love to keep up with the developments regarding the welfare of the horses, but how do you make a difference with your company?
Joker provides an answer to all of these struggles and more!
Any instructor can teach lessons with Joker, anyone! Everything you encounter on the horses back, you also encounter on Joker. Whether the rider seeks his stability on the reins, or is behind the movement, sits crooked, this happens exactly the same on Joker. It is even more visible because the horse does not compensate for the rider.
As an instructor you can therefore get started whether you have a lot or little experience with Joker. Whether you teach at a high level or at the base. Whether you are showjumping or practicing the classical art of riding, it really doesn’t matter at all.
The more you put into it, the more you get out of it!
Ultimately of course it works the same as with everything in life, what you put in, you get out. The more you use him and the more different riders you work with him, the faster you will develop into a true Joker expert and he will be a true asset for your business!
Do you still have doubts whether you, or your employees, can do this? Especially for the starting Joker user, there is an Academy where you as a Joker owner can acquire the basic knowledge for FREE. You can access the online Basic Course via the Ruiter School. An advanced course is also available for a fee.
Online Community
On Facebook there is a private “Joker owners” group. Various days are organized throughout the year during which the group meets. Knowledge is shared, experiences are exchanged, suggestions for improvement are made. Entrepreneurs struggles are scrutinized with each other. You can ask all your questions in the community on these days and online. The designer and founder of Joker can also be reached here.
The world is changing, it no longer consists of anxiously keeping everything to yourself. We are learning more and more that sharing knowledge pays off and will be the new normal. The Joker group is way ahead of its time in this regard and have known the power of sharing knowledge and joining forces for a long time.
Are you worried that your neighbor or maybe everyone will soon have a Joker in the stable? And that, from a business point of view, you are no longer special with your business? That is the objective: Everyone learns to ride on Joker!
You can also turn it around, if everyone has one and only you don’t, aren’t you running terribly behind the facts? Now you have the opportunity to lead the way, to be an expert in the Joker field long before anyone else is… Take that chance!
No one is born an expert. You only become an expert when you start.
Do clients pay for lessons @ Joker?
Yes! Any idea what the rider’s number 1 struggle is? Correct .. Difficulty with posture and sitting. And number 2? Injuries to the horse. Number 3? Inadequate performance.
And with what can you tackle all of these struggles? JOKER!
Riders are certainly willing to pay to overcome their biggest stumbling blocks. If you still have doubts about this? Put your student on Joker once for free and he will do the work for you, for sure!
I don’t have my own accomodation
You don’t need this at all. Joker is demountable, lightweight and fits in any car. You can therefore move it without any problem. In addition, it fits in a stable, shed, attic room, landing and so on.
Duration of a lesson on Joker
Everyone has their own terms and conditions for lessons on Joker. One-hour lessons are very long, as it is quite intensive to train on Joker. After all, Joker does not make the movements, the rider has to do that himself. Lessons of half an hour to 45 minutes are ideal, depending on the fitness of the rider. During this time you have ample time to explain, show and experience things.
If you give clinics to several riders at the same time, shorter periods may also suffice because the riders also look at each other and a lot of information is already gathered here.
How many trainings make the difference?
When you put your student on Joker once, you will be able to give your student Eye openers and let them experience things. But as with everything else on the horses back, you will need to practice more often to really make a difference. The best thing would be if you would always keep training. You can adjust Joker more and more “finer”, so that the balance can be trained even further.
You can also offer a “lesson package” for a more favorable price, for example. And all of this is of course even more beneficial for your company!
How does Joker improve my continuity?
Joker is never tired, sick, weak, nauseous or suffers from heat, wet days or cold. In short, lessons can always take place! So if your student cannot take lessons with her horse due to weather conditions or a thick leg, he/ she can come and train on Joker. There is no excuse for not wanting to develop yourself further as a rider, rain or shine …
The big question… What does a Joker cost you?
There are various simulators on the market, some up to € 60,000!
But not our Joker. Kerry wanted to develop a product that would be available to everyone, so that everyone can learn from him and thus make a difference for every horse.
That is why the price of Joker is less then 5% of €60.000,= Off course an investment, but one that is to earn back quickly 🙂
What does Joker cost in maintenance?
That’s easy, nothing. At least almost nothing. Depending on the intensive use and how careful you are with it, you may have to replace the springs in due course. These costs are almost negligible.
Furthermore, Joker does not cost hay, straw, vet, etc. He will be your cheapest horse in maintenance ever, we promise!
How quickly do I earn back Joker?
That of course depends entirely on how you use Joker in your business. We have multiple instructors who have easily earned back their Joker in less than 6 months. And if they can, so can you!
Suppose you were to give 1 lesson of 45 minutes to €50 extra per week, then you have already earned back Joker in one year! Every extra lesson is direct earnings 🙂
And how much dropout do you have on average per year? How many lessons could you fill up with Joker?
Or are you going to give clinics? Take 10 people in a day, who all pay €50 for this educational day. 6 clinics and Joker has already paid for itself. Every extra lesson or clinic is direct earnings 🙂
What if you can immediately place every new rider at your riding school? Suppose you teach 4 new riders together for 1 hour on Joker and you do this once a week for 1 month for an amount of €60 per person and Joker has already fully paid for itself with 3 groups of 4. Every extra lesson is direct earnings 🙂
Joker is made in England and due to the Brexit and Corona transport is currently more difficult than normal and difficult to predict. Hopefully this will normalize soon.
Can I get Joker in my own colour?
That is possible, it comes standard in black, but there is even a golden Joker! This is possible at an additional cost, provided the fabric is available in the right quality, because that is of course the most important!
Can I pay Joker in multiple installments?
We are still working on that. But with a good story and forecast, you will be able to easily arrange this yourself with your own bank.
A demo with this simulator is possible! Please contact us for more information.
Joker has transformed many times to reach the stage he is at now and we reserve the right to improve our product even further for your benefit.